PCA Demo¶
This uses random data to illustrate the concept of maximum variance.
Additional references:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
RNG seed:
rng = np.random.default_rng(20201114)
Compute a PCA¶
Let’s compute a bunch of multivariate normals in 3 dimensions with some correlation:
means = [5, 10, -2]
mcv = [
[1, 0.7, 0.2],
[0.7, 1, -0.3],
[0.2, -0.3, 1]
n = 500
data = rng.multivariate_normal(means, mcv, size=n)
array([[ 5.31358291, 10.10454979, -1.28170015],
[ 4.63890901, 9.22500074, -0.22529381],
[ 5.85599736, 10.77474896, -1.95883841],
[ 4.4931347 , 9.93950184, -0.95846614],
[ 4.91058303, 9.73080603, -2.05767846],
[ 7.23444003, 12.52878242, -2.53911509]])
We how have 500 rows and 3 columns.
Let’s confirm the data has its expected means:
obs_means = np.mean(data, axis=0)
array([ 4.99862798, 9.95351358, -1.9301308 ])
That is close to our configured means. Let’s see the covariance matrix:
array([[ 1.04670135, 0.74075551, 0.22196162],
[ 0.74075551, 1.06484044, -0.31102634],
[ 0.22196162, -0.31102634, 1.04063369]])
That also matches what we configured!
Let’s do scatterplots:
<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x25699799e50>
We can see strong correlation between 0 and 1, and negative but much milder correlation between 1 and 2.
Now we’re going to compute the mean-centered data in prepration for the PCA - thank you NumPy broadcasting:
mc_data = data - obs_means
array([[ 0.31495493, 0.15103621, 0.64843064],
[-0.35971896, -0.72851284, 1.70483699],
[ 0.85736938, 0.82123538, -0.02870762],
[-0.50549327, -0.01401174, 0.97166465],
[-0.08804494, -0.22270755, -0.12754766],
[ 2.23581205, 2.57526884, -0.60898429]])
And now we’ll compute a 2D PCA:
P, sig, Qt = spla.svds(mc_data, 2)
(500, 2)
(2, 3)
array([24.41604313, 29.99470823])
array([[ 0.34825608, -0.20454769, 0.91481033],
[-0.68168465, -0.72513793, 0.0973705 ]])
Now, we’re going to compute the explained variance from the singular values, following this discussion, as follows:
ev = np.square(sig) / (n - 1)
array([1.19467568, 1.80297099])
The last row of the \(Q^T\) matrix explains the most variance, because svds
returns the rows in order of increasing singular value instead of decreasing.
Let’s actually look at the line:
plt.scatter(mc_data[:, 0], mc_data[:, 1])
pca_xs = np.linspace(np.min(mc_data[:, 0]), np.max(mc_data[:, 0]))
pca_ys = pca_xs * Qt[1,0] / Qt[1,1]
plt.plot(pca_xs, pca_ys, color='red')
#plt.scatter(Qt[:, 0], Qt[:, 1], color='red')
# plt.arrow(0, 0, Qt[1, 0] * 3, Qt[1, 1] * 3, color='red', width=0.05, head_width=0.3)
# plt.arrow(0, 0, Qt[0, 0] * 3, Qt[1, 1] * 3, color='green', width=0.05, head_width=0.3)
plt.ylabel('Dim. 1')
plt.xlabel('Dim. 0')
What if we want to see multiple ones?
lens = np.sqrt(ev) * 2
plt.scatter(mc_data[:, 0], mc_data[:, 1], color='lightsteelblue')
plt.arrow(0, 0, Qt[1, 0] * lens[1], Qt[1, 1] * lens[1], color='red', width=0.05, head_width=0.3)
plt.arrow(0, 0, Qt[0, 0] * lens[0], Qt[1, 1] * lens[0], color='green', width=0.05, head_width=0.3)
plt.ylabel('Dim. 1')
plt.xlabel('Dim. 0')
Comparing with SKlearn PCA¶
Let’s compare this with SKLearn’s PCA.
pca = PCA(2)
It learns the means:
array([ 4.99862798, 9.95351358, -1.9301308 ])
It learns our matrices, although the rows will be in the opposite order:
array([[ 0.68168465, 0.72513793, -0.0973705 ],
[-0.34825608, 0.20454769, -0.91481033]])
And it learns the explained variances:
array([1.80297099, 1.19467568])
These match what we got from svds
, with some possible sign flips and the reverse-ordered data points.