Working on Onyx

You can do your work on the CS department’s Onyx cluster. To access Onyx, connect via SSH to

Working directly on the onyx head node will not work for our data analysis projects — you wil need to work on an individual Onyx node.

Accessing Onyx Nodes

  1. You first need an ssh client. For Windows use MobaXterm; on Linux and Mac the client should already be installed and accessible from the command line.

  2. Connect to Onyx through ssh. You will do this through the command line (MobaXterm on Windows) using your Boise State username and password. It should look something like this:

    [s_benjaminpeterson.ENG401348]> ssh -Y's password:
  3. Once connected to Onyx there are 143 possible nodes that can be accessed. The nodes are named onyxnode01onyxnode143. Your home drive is shared between all nodes. Any files you save in your home drive will be accessible on any node that you login to.

  4. To check which nodes are online you can run the following command: pdsh –a uptime. If you get this response the node is turned off:

    michaelekstrand@onyx ~> pdsh -a uptime
    onyxnode10: Connection closed by
    pdsh@onyx: onyxnode10: ssh exited with exit code 255

    The load information will also give you a hint as to how busy that node is.

  5. To access a node type the following from the command line: ssh onyxnodexx. Replace the xx with the correct node number:

michaelekstrand@onyx ~> ssh onyxnode47

Conda on Onyx

Onyx already has a copy of conda installed, but it is system-wide so you cannot use it to manage your own packages. Therefore, you should install Miniconda in your home directory and use that instead of the system-wide conda:

$ wget
$ /bin/sh

Notes on Onyx Nodes

Your user prompt will tell you which node you are on, in case you forget.

Before doing computationally-intensive tasks on a node, it is good to make sure that no one else is using it; the w command will tell you who is using the system.

The tmux program will let you detach from long-running processes and keep from killing them if you lose your connection.

To transfer files between your local computer and Onyx, use CyberDuck or MobaXterm’s built-in file transfer. Since home directories are shared, you can transfer files directly to your home directory on and they will be available on all nodes.

Accessing Onyx Notebooks

The Onyx nodes live behind a firewall, so it is difficult to remotely access notebooks. One useful tool for doing this is ngrok; you can find information on using it with Jupyter on Michael Ekstrand’s blog.

In order to use ngrok, you need to do a few things:

  1. Create an account on

  2. In your ‘Auth’ tab, you will find a authtoken. Copy it!

  3. Run the following command on any Onyx node — just once is enough for the rest of the term:

    $ ngrok authtoken <auth token>

Once that initial setup is done, you can make tunnels for your notebook servers:

  1. Start tmux

  2. Start jupyter notebook in your project directory

  3. Split the terminal (Ctrl+b ")

  4. Start ngrok in the second terminal

    ngrok http 8888

    You will need to look at the jupyter notebook output to see the actual port to use.

  5. Connect to the specified HTTPS URL in your browser. It will ask you for a token; copy that from the Jupyter console output.

See the blog post for more details.

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