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Week 6 — Two Variables

Midterm A

The first midterm exam will be from 5PM Wednesday through 5PM Saturday.

This week's learning outcomes are:

  1. Display two potentially-related numeric variables for exploratory analysis.
  2. Compute correlation coefficients between variables
  3. Run a linear regression

This week's videos are also available as a Panopto playlist.

Midterm Assessment Protocol

This week, the Center for Teaching and Learning is conducting a midterm course assessment for this course, to give me feedback on how it is going and how to improve. This survey will be open for one week. The link is in Piazza.


This video introduces the week's topic.

Displaying Variables

This video discusses how to display related numeric variables.


This video discusses how to compute the correlation coefficient between two variables.

Error in Video

In this video, I list the Pandas correlation function as cor. The correct name is corr.

Week 6 Quiz — MAP

The Week 6 quiz is completing the Midterm Assessment Process. See Piazza for details.


This video discusses how to fit a line between two variables.

Correlation Notebook

The correlation notebook shows how to compute the metrics in this week's videos, and has the code I used to produce the charts in the slides.


This video introduces the idea of feature engineering

Midterm A

The first midterm is at the end of the week. It will be released at 5 PM Wednesday, and due at 5PM on Saturday. It is written to take just over an hour.

Assignment 3

Assignment 3 is due October 11.