Course & Instructor#

Course Info#

Course Title

CS 533: Introduction to Data Science



Meeting Schedule

Tuesdays 9:00–10:15 ACM on Zoom

Remote Thursdays 9:00–10:15 AM on Zoom

In-Person Thursdays 9:00-10:15 AM in CCP 259

Course Website

Canvas (private links, grades, and assignments)

Course Discussion



I am Michael Ekstrand, an associate professor in the Dept. of Computer Science.


CCP 354

E-mail (but please use Piazza for non-grade class questions)

Office Hours (tentative)

Thu 1–2 pm

Online by appointment (πŸ“… schedule on Calendly)

I generally respond to course questions during normal hours (9a–5p M–F). I may occasionally reply to a question in an evening or on the weekend, but do not plan on it. I strongly encourage you to reply to each others’ questions in Piazza; I would prefer to endorse a student answer than write my own, as answering questions is a valuable tool for learning.