Data Set Summary Info¶
This notebook provides summary information and descriptive statistics for our data sets.
import sys
import re
from pathlib import Path
import itertools as it
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import tqdm
import plotnine as p
import bookgender.datatools as dt
from bookgender.nbutils import *
def eprint(*args):
print(*args, file=sys.stderr)
fig_dir = init_figs('DataSummary')
using figure dir figures\DataSummary
def lbl_pct(fs):
return ['{:.0f}%'.format(f*100) for f in fs]
Function to make plots:
Load Data Files¶
Load book author gender info:
datasets = sorted(list(dt.datasets.keys()))
book_gender = pd.read_parquet('data/author-gender.parquet')
book_gender['gender'] = book_gender['gender'].astype('category')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 12234574 entries, 0 to 12234573 Data columns (total 2 columns): # Column Dtype --- ------ ----- 0 item int64 1 gender category dtypes: category(1), int64(1) memory usage: 105.0 MB
book_gender = pd.read_csv('data/author-gender.csv.gz', dtype={'gender': 'category'})
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 12234574 entries, 0 to 12234573 Data columns (total 2 columns): # Column Dtype --- ------ ----- 0 item int64 1 gender category dtypes: category(1), int64(1) memory usage: 105.0 MB
Book gender will be more useful if we index it, and it's basically now a series.
book_gender = book_gender.set_index('item')['gender']
item 0 male 1 no-viaf-author 2 male 3 no-loc-author 4 male ... 12234569 no-loc-author 12234570 no-loc-author 12234571 no-loc-author 12234572 no-loc-author 12234573 no-loc-author Name: gender, Length: 12234574, dtype: category Categories (6, object): ['ambiguous', 'female', 'male', 'no-loc-author', 'no-viaf-author', 'unknown']
Load the Library of Congress book list:
loc_books = pd.read_csv('data/loc-books.csv.gz')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 5267327 entries, 0 to 5267326 Data columns (total 1 columns): # Column Dtype --- ------ ----- 0 item int64 dtypes: int64(1) memory usage: 40.2 MB
Load rating data sets:
ratings = {}
for ds in datasets:
eprint('loading ratings for', ds)
ratings[ds] = pd.read_parquet(f'data/{ds}/ratings.parquet')
loading ratings for AZ loading ratings for BX-E loading ratings for BX-I loading ratings for GR-E loading ratings for GR-I
Fill and Expand Gender¶
For later computations, we want to upgrade the book-gender frame so it has the following properties:
- All available books have a gender record
- Both full status and simplified unlink status are available for each book
This will simplify combining other records with the book gender data later.
Let's start by making a huge array of all available book IDs:
item_lists = [loc_books['item'].unique()]
for rdf in ratings.values():
all_item_ids = np.unique(np.concatenate(item_lists))
How does that compare to the book gender frame?
Add a category to gender
for no-matching-book, and put an order on the categories (we're also going to make book_gender
refer to the series, to simplify code):['no-book'], inplace=True)['no-book', 'no-loc-author', 'no-viaf-author',
'unknown', 'ambiguous', 'female', 'male'],
Reindex to match our list of book IDs, and fill in the missing value:
book_gender = book_gender.reindex(all_item_ids, fill_value='no-book')
item 0 male 1 no-viaf-author 2 male 3 no-loc-author 4 male ... 924482338 no-book 924482339 no-book 924482340 no-book 924482341 no-book 924482342 no-book Name: gender, Length: 7387475, dtype: category Categories (7, object): ['no-book', 'no-loc-author', 'no-viaf-author', 'unknown', 'ambiguous', 'female', 'male']
Now the index should be both monotonic and unique - this should simplify later use. Double-check:
Let's quick look at a histogram:
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='gender', ylabel='count'>
Ok. Last thing we need to do here is create a simplified column that collapsed our various types of link failure into 'unlinked'. We'll put this in the gender
column, and make the existing series gender_status
book_gender = pd.DataFrame({
'gender_status': book_gender,
'no-book': 'unlinked'
'no-loc-author', 'no-viaf-author'
gender_status | gender | |
item | ||
0 | male | male |
1 | no-viaf-author | unlinked |
2 | male | male |
3 | no-loc-author | unlinked |
4 | male | male |
... | ... | ... |
924482338 | no-book | unlinked |
924482339 | no-book | unlinked |
924482340 | no-book | unlinked |
924482341 | no-book | unlinked |
924482342 | no-book | unlinked |
7387475 rows × 2 columns
And see that histogram:
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='gender', ylabel='count'>
Basic Data Set Stats¶
ds_summary = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict(
(n, {'Users': f['user'].nunique(), 'Items': f['item'].nunique(), 'Pairs': len(f)})
for (n, f) in ratings.items()
), orient='index')
ds_summary['Density'] = ds_summary['Pairs'] / (ds_summary['Users'] * ds_summary['Items'])
Users | Items | Pairs | Density | |
AZ | 8026324 | 2268142 | 22460535 | 0.000001 |
BX-E | 77805 | 151670 | 427283 | 0.000036 |
BX-I | 105283 | 279501 | 1129814 | 0.000038 |
GR-E | 808782 | 1080777 | 86537566 | 0.000099 |
GR-I | 870011 | 1096636 | 188943278 | 0.000198 |
def pct_fmt(p):
return '{:.4f}%'.format(p * 100)
def n_fmt(n):
return '{:,d}'.format(n)
'Users': n_fmt,
'Items': n_fmt,
'Pairs': n_fmt,
'Density': pct_fmt
\begin{tabular}{lrrrr} \toprule {} & Users & Items & Pairs & Density \\ \midrule AZ & 8,026,324 & 2,268,142 & 22,460,535 & 0.0001\% \\ BX-E & 77,805 & 151,670 & 427,283 & 0.0036\% \\ BX-I & 105,283 & 279,501 & 1,129,814 & 0.0038\% \\ GR-E & 808,782 & 1,080,777 & 86,537,566 & 0.0099\% \\ GR-I & 870,011 & 1,096,636 & 188,943,278 & 0.0198\% \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular}
What is the rating distribution for explicit-feedback data sets?
exp_re = re.compile(r'^\w\w(-E|$)')
[ds for ds in ratings.keys() if exp_re.match(ds)]
['AZ', 'BX-E', 'GR-E']
exp_rate_stats = pd.concat(
for (ds, rates) in ratings.items() if exp_re.match(ds))
, ignore_index=True)
rating | count | Set | |
0 | 1.0 | 1115069 | AZ |
1 | 1.5 | 254 | AZ |
2 | 2.0 | 976839 | AZ |
3 | 2.5 | 453 | AZ |
4 | 3.0 | 1918050 | AZ |
grid = sns.FacetGrid(col='Set', data=exp_rate_stats, sharex=False, sharey=False), 'rating', 'count')
C:\Users\michaelekstrand\Anaconda3\envs\bookfair\lib\site-packages\seaborn\ UserWarning: Using the barplot function without specifying `order` is likely to produce an incorrect plot.
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x16900b49c48>
user_means = pd.concat(
for (ds, rates) in ratings.items() if exp_re.match(ds))
, ignore_index=True)
user | AvgRating | Set | |
0 | 1 | 5.000000 | AZ |
1 | 2 | 5.000000 | AZ |
2 | 3 | 5.000000 | AZ |
3 | 4 | 4.666667 | AZ |
4 | 5 | 4.000000 | AZ |
grid = sns.FacetGrid(col='Set', data=user_means, sharey=False, sharex=False), 'AvgRating')
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x16902362788>
item_means = pd.concat(
for (ds, rates) in ratings.items() if exp_re.match(ds))
, ignore_index=True)
item | AvgRating | Set | |
0 | 0 | 4.250000 | AZ |
1 | 2 | 4.523077 | AZ |
2 | 5 | 4.348315 | AZ |
3 | 8 | 4.368421 | AZ |
4 | 11 | 3.968750 | AZ |
grid = sns.FacetGrid(col='Set', data=item_means, sharey=False, sharex=False), 'AvgRating')
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x169023a5488>
Count and Integrate¶
Now that we have the data loaded, we need to do a few things:
- Connect with gender info
- Count books (or ratings) by gender. All kinds of unlinked gender are mapped to
. - Integrate into a single set of lists
To start, we'll define a helper function for summarizing a frame of interactions by gender:
def summarize_by_gender(rate_frame, gender_col='gender'):
# count ratings per book
i_counts = rate_frame['item'].value_counts().to_frame(name='ratings')
# join with gender
books = i_counts.join(book_gender)
# count by gender
counts = books.groupby(gender_col)['ratings'].agg(['count', 'sum'])
'count': 'Books',
'sum': 'Ratings'
}, inplace=True)
return counts
Let's see the function in action:
Books | Ratings | |
gender | ||
unlinked | 36757 | 45524 |
unknown | 16900 | 27434 |
ambiguous | 4014 | 30444 |
female | 38093 | 138827 |
male | 55906 | 185054 |
Now build up a full frame of everything:
eprint('summarizing LOC')
summaries = {'LOC': summarize_by_gender(loc_books).assign(ratings=np.nan) }
for ds, f in ratings.items():
eprint('summarizing', ds)
summaries[ds] = summarize_by_gender(f)
gender_stats = pd.concat(summaries, names=['DataSet'])
summarizing LOC summarizing AZ summarizing BX-E summarizing BX-I summarizing GR-E summarizing GR-I
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> MultiIndex: 30 entries, ('LOC', 'unlinked') to ('GR-I', 'male') Data columns (total 3 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Books 30 non-null int64 1 Ratings 30 non-null int64 2 ratings 0 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(1), int64(2) memory usage: 1.3+ KB
eprint('summarizing LOC')
fsums = {'LOC': summarize_by_gender(loc_books, 'gender_status')}
for ds, f in ratings.items():
eprint('summarizing', ds)
fsums[ds] = summarize_by_gender(f, 'gender_status')
full_stats = pd.concat(fsums, names=['DataSet'])
summarizing LOC summarizing AZ summarizing BX-E summarizing BX-I summarizing GR-E summarizing GR-I
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> MultiIndex: 42 entries, ('LOC', 'no-book') to ('GR-I', 'male') Data columns (total 2 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Books 42 non-null int64 1 Ratings 42 non-null int64 dtypes: int64(2) memory usage: 1.4+ KB
book_counts = full_stats['Books'].unstack()
gender_status | no-book | no-loc-author | no-viaf-author | unknown | ambiguous | female | male |
DataSet | |||||||
LOC | 0 | 842755 | 297405 | 1214597 | 53232 | 664221 | 2195117 |
AZ | 934847 | 226764 | 157072 | 236219 | 17056 | 215556 | 480628 |
BX-E | 22674 | 6456 | 7627 | 16900 | 4014 | 38093 | 55906 |
BX-I | 45560 | 12906 | 15631 | 34614 | 6770 | 67087 | 96933 |
GR-E | 0 | 487495 | 35267 | 95887 | 11087 | 174996 | 276045 |
GR-I | 0 | 495592 | 36106 | 97667 | 11189 | 176640 | 279442 |
book_counts[['no-book', 'no-loc-author', 'no-viaf-author']].sum(axis=1)
DataSet LOC 1140160 AZ 1318683 BX-E 36757 BX-I 74097 GR-E 522762 GR-I 531698 dtype: int64
book_fracs = book_counts.divide(book_counts.sum(axis=1), axis=0)
gender_status | no-book | no-loc-author | no-viaf-author | unknown | ambiguous | female | male |
DataSet | |||||||
LOC | 0.000000 | 0.159997 | 0.056462 | 0.230591 | 0.010106 | 0.126102 | 0.416742 |
AZ | 0.412164 | 0.099978 | 0.069251 | 0.104146 | 0.007520 | 0.095036 | 0.211904 |
BX-E | 0.149496 | 0.042566 | 0.050287 | 0.111426 | 0.026465 | 0.251157 | 0.368603 |
BX-I | 0.163005 | 0.046175 | 0.055925 | 0.123842 | 0.024222 | 0.240024 | 0.346807 |
GR-E | 0.000000 | 0.451060 | 0.032631 | 0.088720 | 0.010258 | 0.161917 | 0.255413 |
GR-I | 0.000000 | 0.451920 | 0.032924 | 0.089061 | 0.010203 | 0.161074 | 0.254817 |
# book_counts.divide(book_counts.sum(axis=1), axis=0) * 100
print((book_counts.divide(book_counts.sum(axis=1), axis=0) * 100).to_latex(float_format='%.1f%%'))
\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrr} \toprule gender\_status & no-book & no-loc-author & no-viaf-author & unknown & ambiguous & female & male \\ DataSet & & & & & & & \\ \midrule LOC & 0.0\% & 16.0\% & 5.6\% & 23.1\% & 1.0\% & 12.6\% & 41.7\% \\ AZ & 41.2\% & 10.0\% & 6.9\% & 10.4\% & 0.8\% & 9.5\% & 21.2\% \\ BX-E & 14.9\% & 4.3\% & 5.0\% & 11.1\% & 2.6\% & 25.1\% & 36.9\% \\ BX-I & 16.3\% & 4.6\% & 5.6\% & 12.4\% & 2.4\% & 24.0\% & 34.7\% \\ GR-E & 0.0\% & 45.1\% & 3.3\% & 8.9\% & 1.0\% & 16.2\% & 25.5\% \\ GR-I & 0.0\% & 45.2\% & 3.3\% & 8.9\% & 1.0\% & 16.1\% & 25.5\% \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular}
To facilitate plotting, we need to do a few more transformations:
- Shift into a tall format with a
- Convert counts to percents
- Drop the LOC Ratings, because it is meaningless
gs_tall = pd.DataFrame({'Count': gender_stats.stack()})
gs_tall.index.rename(['DataSet', 'Gender', 'Scope'], inplace=True)
gs_tall = gs_tall.reorder_levels(['DataSet', 'Scope', 'Gender']).sort_index()
gs_tall['Fraction'] = gs_tall['Count'] / gs_tall.groupby(level=['DataSet', 'Scope'])['Count'].sum()
gs_tall.drop(('LOC', 'Ratings'), inplace=True)
'female': 'F',
'male': 'M',
'ambiguous': 'Amb.',
'unknown': 'UnK',
'unlinked': 'UnL'
}, inplace=True)
], inplace=True)
gs_tall['DataSet'] = gs_tall['DataSet'].astype('category')
gs_tall['DataSet'].cat.reorder_categories(['LOC', 'AZ', 'BX-I', 'BX-E', 'GR-I', 'GR-E'], inplace=True)
DataSet | Scope | Gender | Count | Fraction | |
0 | AZ | Books | UnL | 1318683.0 | 0.581393 |
1 | AZ | Books | UnK | 236219.0 | 0.104146 |
2 | AZ | Books | Amb. | 17056.0 | 0.007520 |
3 | AZ | Books | F | 215556.0 | 0.095036 |
4 | AZ | Books | M | 480628.0 | 0.211904 |
5 | AZ | Ratings | UnL | 8984419.0 | 0.400009 |
6 | AZ | Ratings | UnK | 2069787.0 | 0.092152 |
7 | AZ | Ratings | Amb. | 535239.0 | 0.023830 |
8 | AZ | Ratings | F | 4313858.0 | 0.192064 |
9 | AZ | Ratings | M | 6557232.0 | 0.291945 |
10 | BX-E | Books | UnL | 36757.0 | 0.242349 |
11 | BX-E | Books | UnK | 16900.0 | 0.111426 |
12 | BX-E | Books | Amb. | 4014.0 | 0.026465 |
13 | BX-E | Books | F | 38093.0 | 0.251157 |
14 | BX-E | Books | M | 55906.0 | 0.368603 |
15 | BX-E | Ratings | UnL | 45524.0 | 0.106543 |
16 | BX-E | Ratings | UnK | 27434.0 | 0.064206 |
17 | BX-E | Ratings | Amb. | 30444.0 | 0.071250 |
18 | BX-E | Ratings | F | 138827.0 | 0.324906 |
19 | BX-E | Ratings | M | 185054.0 | 0.433095 |
20 | BX-I | Books | UnL | 74097.0 | 0.265105 |
21 | BX-I | Books | UnK | 34614.0 | 0.123842 |
22 | BX-I | Books | Amb. | 6770.0 | 0.024222 |
23 | BX-I | Books | F | 67087.0 | 0.240024 |
24 | BX-I | Books | M | 96933.0 | 0.346807 |
25 | BX-I | Ratings | UnL | 116297.0 | 0.102935 |
26 | BX-I | Ratings | UnK | 77892.0 | 0.068942 |
27 | BX-I | Ratings | Amb. | 76294.0 | 0.067528 |
28 | BX-I | Ratings | F | 391728.0 | 0.346719 |
29 | BX-I | Ratings | M | 467603.0 | 0.413876 |
30 | GR-E | Books | UnL | 522762.0 | 0.483691 |
31 | GR-E | Books | UnK | 95887.0 | 0.088720 |
32 | GR-E | Books | Amb. | 11087.0 | 0.010258 |
33 | GR-E | Books | F | 174996.0 | 0.161917 |
34 | GR-E | Books | M | 276045.0 | 0.255413 |
35 | GR-E | Ratings | UnL | 8605504.0 | 0.099442 |
36 | GR-E | Ratings | UnK | 3598667.0 | 0.041585 |
37 | GR-E | Ratings | Amb. | 8346632.0 | 0.096451 |
38 | GR-E | Ratings | F | 32348714.0 | 0.373811 |
39 | GR-E | Ratings | M | 33638049.0 | 0.388710 |
40 | GR-I | Books | UnL | 531698.0 | 0.484845 |
41 | GR-I | Books | UnK | 97667.0 | 0.089061 |
42 | GR-I | Books | Amb. | 11189.0 | 0.010203 |
43 | GR-I | Books | F | 176640.0 | 0.161074 |
44 | GR-I | Books | M | 279442.0 | 0.254817 |
45 | GR-I | Ratings | UnL | 26200849.0 | 0.138670 |
46 | GR-I | Ratings | UnK | 9640560.0 | 0.051024 |
47 | GR-I | Ratings | Amb. | 13491116.0 | 0.071403 |
48 | GR-I | Ratings | F | 71070367.0 | 0.376147 |
49 | GR-I | Ratings | M | 68540386.0 | 0.362756 |
50 | LOC | Books | UnL | 1140160.0 | 0.216459 |
51 | LOC | Books | UnK | 1214597.0 | 0.230591 |
52 | LOC | Books | Amb. | 53232.0 | 0.010106 |
53 | LOC | Books | F | 664221.0 | 0.126102 |
54 | LOC | Books | M | 2195117.0 | 0.416742 |
Finally, we can plot it:
sns.catplot(x='Gender', y='Fraction', col='DataSet', col_wrap=2, hue='Scope',
kind='bar', sharey=False, height=2, aspect=2)
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x1690246f088>
Manual plotting logic for the paper:
make_plot(gs_tall, p.aes('Gender', 'Fraction', fill='Scope'),
p.geom_bar(stat='identity', position='dodge'),
p.geom_text(p.aes(label='Fraction*100'), format_string='{:.1f}%', size=5,
position=p.position_dodge(width=1), va='bottom'),
p.facet_wrap('~DataSet', ncol=2),
p.scale_fill_brewer('qual', 'Dark2'),
p.ylab('% of Books or Ratings'),
legend_position='top', legend_title=p.element_blank(),
file='link-stats.pdf', width=7, height=4.5)
D:\Research\book-rec-fairness\bookgender\ UserWarning: file has suffix, ignoring C:\Users\michaelekstrand\Anaconda3\envs\bookfair\lib\site-packages\plotnine\ PlotnineWarning: Saving 7 x 4.5 in image. C:\Users\michaelekstrand\Anaconda3\envs\bookfair\lib\site-packages\plotnine\ PlotnineWarning: Filename: figures\DataSummary\link-stats.pdf C:\Users\michaelekstrand\Anaconda3\envs\bookfair\lib\site-packages\plotnine\ PlotnineWarning: Saving 7 x 4.5 in image. C:\Users\michaelekstrand\Anaconda3\envs\bookfair\lib\site-packages\plotnine\ PlotnineWarning: Filename: figures\DataSummary\link-stats.png
<ggplot: (-9223371939947189592)>
Known-gender books:
k_bc = book_counts[['male', 'female']]
k_bf = k_bc.divide(k_bc.sum(axis=1), axis=0)
k_bf = k_bf.loc[['LOC', 'AZ', 'BX-I', 'GR-I']]
gender_status | male | female |
DataSet | ||
LOC | 0.767701 | 0.232299 |
AZ | 0.690375 | 0.309625 |
BX-I | 0.590983 | 0.409017 |
GR-I | 0.612701 | 0.387299 |
print((k_bf * 100).to_latex(float_format='%.1f%%'))
\begin{tabular}{lrr} \toprule gender\_status & male & female \\ DataSet & & \\ \midrule LOC & 76.8\% & 23.2\% \\ AZ & 69.0\% & 31.0\% \\ BX-I & 59.1\% & 40.9\% \\ GR-I & 61.3\% & 38.7\% \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular}
k_bf.columns = k_bf.columns.astype('str')
k_bft = k_bf.reset_index().melt(id_vars='DataSet', var_name='gender')
k_bft['gender'] = k_bft.gender.astype('category').cat.reorder_categories(['male', 'female'])
k_bft['DataSet'] = k_bft.DataSet.astype('category').cat.reorder_categories(['LOC', 'AZ', 'BX-I', 'GR-I'])
make_plot(k_bft, p.aes('DataSet', 'value', fill='gender'),
p.scale_fill_brewer('qual', 'Dark2'),
p.labs(x='Data Set', y='% of Books', fill='Gender'),
file='frac-known-books.pdf', width=4, height=2.5)
D:\Research\book-rec-fairness\bookgender\ UserWarning: file has suffix, ignoring C:\Users\michaelekstrand\Anaconda3\envs\bookfair\lib\site-packages\plotnine\ PlotnineWarning: Saving 4 x 2.5 in image. C:\Users\michaelekstrand\Anaconda3\envs\bookfair\lib\site-packages\plotnine\ PlotnineWarning: Filename: figures\DataSummary\frac-known-books.pdf C:\Users\michaelekstrand\Anaconda3\envs\bookfair\lib\site-packages\plotnine\ PlotnineWarning: Saving 4 x 2.5 in image. C:\Users\michaelekstrand\Anaconda3\envs\bookfair\lib\site-packages\plotnine\ PlotnineWarning: Filename: figures\DataSummary\frac-known-books.png
<ggplot: (-9223371939936570724)>
And do that again for ratings.
rate_counts = full_stats['Ratings'].unstack()
k_rc = rate_counts[['male', 'female']]
k_rf = k_rc.divide(k_rc.sum(axis=1), axis=0)
k_rf = k_rf.loc[datasets]
gender_status | male | female |
DataSet | ||
AZ | 0.603181 | 0.396819 |
BX-E | 0.571364 | 0.428636 |
BX-I | 0.544148 | 0.455852 |
GR-E | 0.509770 | 0.490230 |
GR-I | 0.490939 | 0.509061 |
all_cts = full_stats.reorder_levels([1,0]).loc[['male', 'female']].reorder_levels([1,0]).unstack()
all_cts.sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True)
print(all_cts.divide(all_cts.sum(axis=1, level=0), axis=0, level=0).to_latex(float_format=lambda f: '{:.1f}%'.format(f*100)))
\begin{tabular}{lrrrr} \toprule {} & \multicolumn{2}{l}{Books} & \multicolumn{2}{l}{Ratings} \\ gender\_status & female & male & female & male \\ DataSet & & & & \\ \midrule LOC & 23.2\% & 76.8\% & 23.2\% & 76.8\% \\ AZ & 31.0\% & 69.0\% & 39.7\% & 60.3\% \\ BX-E & 40.5\% & 59.5\% & 42.9\% & 57.1\% \\ BX-I & 40.9\% & 59.1\% & 45.6\% & 54.4\% \\ GR-E & 38.8\% & 61.2\% & 49.0\% & 51.0\% \\ GR-I & 38.7\% & 61.3\% & 50.9\% & 49.1\% \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular}
k_rf.columns = k_rf.columns.astype('str')
k_rft = k_rf.reset_index().melt(id_vars='DataSet', var_name='gender')
k_rft['gender'] = k_rft.gender.astype('category').cat.reorder_categories(['male', 'female'])
k_rft['DataSet'] = k_rft.DataSet.astype('category').cat.reorder_categories(datasets)
make_plot(k_rft, p.aes('DataSet', 'value', fill='gender'),
p.scale_fill_brewer('qual', 'Dark2'),
p.labs(x='Data Set', y='% of Ratings', fill='Gender'),
file='frac-known-rates.pdf', width=4, height=2.5)
D:\Research\book-rec-fairness\bookgender\ UserWarning: file has suffix, ignoring C:\Users\michaelekstrand\Anaconda3\envs\bookfair\lib\site-packages\plotnine\ PlotnineWarning: Saving 4 x 2.5 in image. C:\Users\michaelekstrand\Anaconda3\envs\bookfair\lib\site-packages\plotnine\ PlotnineWarning: Filename: figures\DataSummary\frac-known-rates.pdf C:\Users\michaelekstrand\Anaconda3\envs\bookfair\lib\site-packages\plotnine\ PlotnineWarning: Saving 4 x 2.5 in image. C:\Users\michaelekstrand\Anaconda3\envs\bookfair\lib\site-packages\plotnine\ PlotnineWarning: Filename: figures\DataSummary\frac-known-rates.png
<ggplot: (-9223371939882777772)>
Popularity and Gender Distributions¶
We now want to look at popularity and assorted distributions.
We will start by computing item statistics.
def _ds_stats(ds, df):
eprint('summarizing ', ds)
stats = df.groupby('item').user.count().reset_index(name='nratings')
stats = stats.join(book_gender, on='item')
stats['PopRank'] = stats['nratings'].rank()
stats['PopRank'] = stats['PopRank'] / stats['PopRank'].max()
stats['PopQ'] = (stats['PopRank'] * 100).round().astype('i4')
stats['Set'] = ds
return stats
item_stats = pd.concat(_ds_stats(ds, df) for (ds, df) in ratings.items() if not ds.endswith('-E'))
item_stats['Set'] = item_stats['Set'].astype('category')
summarizing AZ summarizing BX-I summarizing GR-I
item | nratings | gender_status | gender | PopRank | PopQ | Set | |
0 | 0 | 4 | male | male | 0.652857 | 65 | AZ |
1 | 2 | 65 | male | male | 0.977629 | 98 | AZ |
2 | 5 | 89 | no-loc-author | unlinked | 0.984913 | 98 | AZ |
3 | 8 | 19 | male | male | 0.911341 | 91 | AZ |
4 | 11 | 32 | male | male | 0.948883 | 95 | AZ |
Compute rating count histograms:
nr_hist = item_stats.groupby(['Set', 'nratings'])['item'].count().reset_index(name='items')
make_plot(nr_hist, p.aes(x='nratings', y='items', color='Set'),
C:\Users\michaelekstrand\Anaconda3\envs\bookfair\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
<ggplot: (-9223371939881977216)>
Let's look at rating count per book by gender resolution:
rate_rates = item_stats.groupby(['Set', 'gender'])['nratings'].agg(['mean', 'median'])
rr_stat = rate_rates.unstack().swaplevel(axis=1).loc[:, ['male', 'female']].sort_index(axis=1)
\begin{tabular}{lrrrr} \toprule gender & \multicolumn{2}{l}{female} & \multicolumn{2}{l}{male} \\ {} & mean & median & mean & median \\ Set & & & & \\ \midrule AZ & 20.01 & 4 & 13.64 & 3 \\ BX-I & 5.84 & 2 & 4.82 & 1 \\ GR-I & 402.35 & 34 & 245.28 & 20 \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular}
Now compute gender histograms by percentile so we can stack:
pop_g = item_stats.groupby(['Set', 'PopQ', 'gender'], observed=True)['item'].count().unstack()
pop_g.fillna(0, inplace=True)
pop_g = pop_g.divide(pop_g.sum(axis=1), axis=0)
gender | male | unlinked | female | unknown | ambiguous | |
Set | PopQ | |||||
AZ | 18 | 0.174433 | 0.667347 | 0.067153 | 0.085216 | 0.005852 |
45 | 0.207661 | 0.593931 | 0.085052 | 0.106450 | 0.006905 | |
57 | 0.219571 | 0.567501 | 0.091894 | 0.114128 | 0.006906 | |
65 | 0.225784 | 0.554707 | 0.095220 | 0.116672 | 0.007617 | |
71 | 0.229021 | 0.542932 | 0.100422 | 0.120130 | 0.007495 |
Propagate to percentile 0, so we can plot the whole width:
for ds in pop_g.index.levels[0].categories:
dspg = pop_g.loc[ds, :]
pop_g.loc[(ds, 0), :] = dspg.iloc[0, :]
Stack for plotting:
pop_g = pop_g.stack().reset_index(name='items')
Set | PopQ | gender | items | |
0 | AZ | 0 | male | 0.174433 |
1 | AZ | 0 | unlinked | 0.667347 |
2 | AZ | 0 | female | 0.067153 |
3 | AZ | 0 | unknown | 0.085216 |
4 | AZ | 0 | ambiguous | 0.005852 |
'male', 'female', 'ambiguous',
'unknown', 'unlinked'
], inplace=True)
And make an area plot.
make_plot(pop_g, p.aes(x='PopQ', y='items', fill='gender'),
p.scale_fill_brewer('qual', 'Set2'),
p.facet_grid('Set ~'),
p.labs(x='Item Popularity Percentile (100 is most popular)',
y='% of Books',
file='gender-by-pop', width=8, height=5)
C:\Users\michaelekstrand\Anaconda3\envs\bookfair\lib\site-packages\plotnine\ PlotnineWarning: Saving 8 x 5 in image. C:\Users\michaelekstrand\Anaconda3\envs\bookfair\lib\site-packages\plotnine\ PlotnineWarning: Filename: figures\DataSummary\gender-by-pop.pdf C:\Users\michaelekstrand\Anaconda3\envs\bookfair\lib\site-packages\plotnine\ PlotnineWarning: Saving 8 x 5 in image. C:\Users\michaelekstrand\Anaconda3\envs\bookfair\lib\site-packages\plotnine\ PlotnineWarning: Filename: figures\DataSummary\gender-by-pop.png
<ggplot: (-9223371939882010988)>