Are Lectures Effective?


We start by loading R libraries we will use:

In [1]:
Loading tidyverse: ggplot2
Loading tidyverse: tibble
Loading tidyverse: tidyr
Loading tidyverse: readr
Loading tidyverse: purrr
Loading tidyverse: dplyr
Conflicts with tidy packages ---------------------------------------------------
filter(): dplyr, stats
lag():    dplyr, stats

And set some R options:

In [2]:
options(repr.matrix.max.rows=20, repr.matrix.max.cols=20)

Load Data

In [3]:
exam_perf = read_csv("tbl-exam-perf.csv")
Parsed with column specification:
  Study = col_character(),
  Discipline = col_character(),
  Assessment = col_character(),
  Size = col_character(),
  Studnt = col_character(),
  Instr = col_character(),
  Maj = col_character(),
  Level = col_character(),
  Treatment = col_character(),
  `Sign?` = col_character(),
  OrigStN = col_character(),
  ClustAdjN = col_character(),
  HedgeG = col_double(),
  SE = col_double(),
  Lower = col_double(),
  Upper = col_double(),
  Z = col_double(),
  P = col_double()
(S53)Anderson et al. 20052 Chem Exam Sm QRno yes Maj Upper PBL Y 420 9 1.334 0.609 0.140 2.529 2.189 0.029
(S54)Armbrusteret al. 20091 Bio Exam Lg QRno yes Maj Intro Wrksht, Clicker Y 520 13 0.186 0.540 -0.872 1.244 0.345 0.730
(S55)Armstrong & Hendricks 1999 Math (grade) na QRacad yes Maj Intro Wrkshts N 14 na 0.322 0.655 -0.961 1.605 0.491 0.623
(S56)Armstrong et al. 2007 Bio Exam Lg QRpre yes Non Intro Clicker, Wrksht, Quiz N 614 9 -0.090 0.593 -1.252 1.073 -0.151 0.880
(S57)Asiala et al. 1997a2 Math Exam na QRacad no Maj Intro Wrksht na 41 8 0.817 0.633 -0.423 2.058 1.291 0.197
(S58)Asiala et al. 1997b Math Exam na QRacad no Maj na Wrksht na 37 8 1.143 0.645 -0.121 2.406 1.772 0.076

Explore the Data

What are the different assessment types?

In [4]:
exam_perf %>%
    group_by(Assessment) %>%
    summarize(NStudies = n(), AvgImprovement=mean(HedgeG))
(grade) 14 0.2309286
(points) 9 0.2388889
CI 24 0.9655417
Exam 111 0.4288919

Let's look at the distribution of improvements:

In [5]:
ggplot(exam_perf) +
    aes(x=HedgeG) +
    geom_vline(xintercept=0, color="blue") +
    geom_histogram() +
    facet_wrap(~ Assessment, scales="free")
`stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
In [6]:
err = function(x) {
    n = length(x)
In [7]:
assess_means = exam_perf %>%
    group_by(Discipline) %>%
    summarize(AvgImp = mean(HedgeG), AvgLow = mean(Lower), AvgHigh=mean(Upper),
              LB = mean(HedgeG) - err(HedgeG),
              UB = mean(HedgeG) + err(HedgeG))
Bio 0.3001212 -0.79739391.397606 0.15924750.4409949
Chem 0.4040455 -0.70172731.509909 0.17891470.6291762
CompSci 0.3468750 -0.83962501.533500 -0.26867950.9624295
Eng 0.5646316 0.52647371.641053 0.16645200.9628112
Geo 0.5190000 -0.65550001.694000 -3.05144354.0894435
Math 0.3247586 -0.78420691.433759 0.17900620.4705110
Phys 0.7949032 -0.24648391.836258 0.43819061.1516158
Psych 0.6263571 -0.29992861.552286 0.40899610.8437182
In [8]:
ggplot(assess_means) +
    aes(y=AvgImp, x=Discipline, ymin=LB, ymax=UB) +
    geom_hline(yintercept=0, color="red") +
    geom_point() + geom_errorbar(width=0.5)
In [ ]: